After personally battling for several years within bureaucratic organisations and with pieces of paper that supposedly say I exist or explain that I am who I say I am; I strongly felt there was a need for an immediate solution.

What could be better than
A World Passport?

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My initial reaction was to create a passport just like any other, hence giving it the sense of validity that we have come to trust. However, after time and many trial runs, I realised that just the concept of a world passport was necessary.

The story: Take One You're Free was written.

It was then important that the distribution of such a book would not follow the same traditiional path that is already recognisable and firmly in place. Simply creating another establishment is not what this project is about.

The form was established.

I chose the passport-form as it is easily recognisable, read, transported, picked-up and passed on. There's a certain irony about being able to do what you want with a booklet that has had so many restrictions in the past.

The passport is PORTABLE and FREE

Distribution is through mobile cases and bureaus that can adapt to any environment. They are either made on-site or part of the ready-made range. All objects are interactive and may be handled by the public. In fact, this is a recurring feature of the project; the right to participate should you so desire.

Equally important: it's free. As a consequence, the project is funded by a donation system. In this way, those who support the idea that their path is there own to choose, see the merit in allowing others to gain access to the same experience. All donations are then poured back into making new passports.

It's another way of thinking and if you want, it can be yours too.

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